In the New Year JoyMantra, I shared an idea of the Happiness Project to make 2023 a happier year. Have you made your "Top-10 To Be Happier" list yet? If not, no problem. I will share with you a simple idea that can have a huge impact on making 2023 a happier year. But you will have to put in sincere efforts and follow daily discipline to gain the benefits from this time-tested wisdom. You can include your family also part of this Happiness Project so that you can collaborate and keep inspiring each other.
The idea for a happier 2023 is simple - An attitude of Gratitude.
Please dedicate a designated time like after waking up, before dinner, or just before sleeping, to reflect on at least three situations or experiences of the day when you felt joy in your heart. Now offer your gratitude towards whoever was the cause of that joy. This can be a living being, anything else, or maybe divinity. This attitude of gratitude will also help you realize the prosperity in your life. If you take an additional step to make a phone call or send a message to express your gratitude, not only you will double your joy but also add joy to someone else's life.
The attitude of gratitude is an evidence-based proven JoyMantra to make your life happier. The question is would you put sincere effort to bring this small change in your life? Because ideas don't work until you do the work.
To begin with, I express my gratitude to you. It is because of the inspiration to share these JoyMantras with you that I also get to reflect on them once again. With those thoughts of gratitude towards you in my heart, this is Arun Bhardwaj, wishing you a happier 2023 - Namaskar.
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