Monday, May 29, 2023

The Art of Networking

In today's connected world, collaboration with the cross-pollination of information, expertise, and resources is the key to success. Simply put - "Network is our net worth." Even if you find that statement debatable, I hope you will at least agree that our network plays a critical role in determining our success. Also, global research on mental well-being has found conclusive evidence that our network has a significant influence on our happiness as well. So the question is how do you build, grow and sustain a good network? Let us reflect on the art of networking today. 

I had once picked up a book in the US - "Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty". Many of us dig our wells only after we are thirsty. We reach out to people when we need their help. And after quenching our thirst, we move on until we are thirsty again. You can well imagine how you would feel after someone has done that to you. 

This book suggested that we should invest time and effort in meeting people, establishing relationships, and building networks with people who may be of help to us in the future. 

The key to doing that would be:

  • To meet people with similar goals, shared thought processes, and common interests; 
  • To build connections by being interested in people, being a patient listener, and being curious about people rather than being judgemental 
  • To sustain relationships by exchange of value
But for me, the best lesson on the art of networking came from one of my spiritual mentors. He saw the book in my hand, heard its essence from me, and then told me that Indian Sages had a different take on networking: "Dig Wells Because It Is a Good (or Virtous) Thing To Do." 
I had a wow moment. After I reflected on this amazing thought I realized that the "Dig your well before you are thirsty" philosophy may make our interactions prone to judging others because we may start evaluating if our interaction is going to be useful in the future or not.  
Whereas, "Digging wells because it is a good thing to do" is a thought originating from a virtuous value system that believes in The Laws of the Universe. A Universal Law that "Wherever you can - do a good deed, without worrying about where would it lead; The Universe nurtures such a seed, and gives you the harvest when you need where you need."
Let us meet people with a genuine interest in knowing about them and network with them for the joy of friendship. Let us be good to others not because they are nice or they will useful to us; but because we want to be good human beings living a life of joy and inner peace. With just this one thought brought alive in our actions, the world can be a much better and happier place.   

Monday, May 15, 2023

 I have shared quite a few JoyMantras with you now. I have a question for you. I am eager to know if you were able to utilize any of the JoyMantras in your life to create positivity and joy? If yes, please do share; that will inspire others to utilize JoyMantras as well. if not, today's JoyMantra is especially for you. 

When we learn we grow, else we age. Constrained by the chains of habits, human beings are fast becoming a machine. The fast pace of modern life has negatively impacted our attention on acquiring new knowledge. We seem to be lacking the time and energy required to translate our learning into our behavior. If this is the bitter truth for many of us then we need to ponder on how to bring any positive change in our life. Let us contemplate this topic today.  

To bring the desired transformation in our life with a JoyMantra or a wise thought, I am sharing a three-step process with you. The first step is to have a growth mindset and to keep yourself open to new information. When you reflect and meditate on acquired information in the light of your own life experiences, the information turns into your wisdom. Now we move on to the second stage of the transformation process i.e. Doing. Putting your learning to use. For example, if you have heard the JoyMantra "The Art of Silence", it is possible that when someone triggers a negative emotion in you, you may respond with a smile or silence.  When you use this JoyMantra consciously a few times and experience a positive outcome, you may achieve the third and final phase of the transformation process - Being. Now in adverse situations, instead of getting angry and putting yourself in a negative mind frame, a response with a smile or silence will become part of your personality. And you will be able to utilize the transformative power of JoyMantras and enjoy positive life experiences resulting in a joyful life.

Let us not stop at only learning new ideas; let us meditate on them and put them to practice in order to create desired positive outcomes in our life.

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