As the new year ushers in, let us dedicate some introspection time for our own inner growth. Let us make a list of Top-10 activities that you believe help you in feeling happier. Do share that list in the comments; who knows your effort may become a guiding force to other friends.
We all wish you live in joy, but we either do not understand what truly makes us happy, or we forget to weave those factors into our day-to-day life.
Let us put conscious effort to make 2023 a happier year in our life. Write down your "Top-10 Things To Be Happier" list on a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you will see it several times in a day. Now let us weave those activities consciously into our daily routine.
Living Happier is not just a stroke of luck, it depends on our attitude toward life, the choices that we make, and also the effort that we put to nurture the factors of happiness in our daily life.
I hope (and I believe) that you will not merely listen and forget this JoyMantra but make Happiness Project one of your top priorities for the year 2023. So start working on your "Top-10 Activities to Be Happier" list. I will be eager to hear about your experiences.
Once again wishing you a very happy, healthy and prosperous year 2023. Namaskar.
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