An Initiative to Inspire Inner Transformation and Joy so that people can be at their best and the World becomes a Happier Place.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Micro Enlightenment2: Overcoming FEAR
Monday, October 10, 2011
Micro Enlightenment: A Journey Towards Enlightenment
BMI: Body, Mind & Intellect Integration for Peak Performance
BMI: Body, Mind & Intellect Integration for Peak Performance
Before I share my thoughts on how to achieve Peak Performance with Body, Mind & Intellect integration; let me define these terms to set the right context. Body is the most obvious physical entity that is a finite manifestation of the infinite capabilities that we possess. This entity also represents all the organs including our brain. Mind is a dynamic concept that represents continuous flow of thoughts. Among other things, the thoughts originate out of our beliefs and attitude. Our thoughts are the basis of any action we do. So we interact with the universe through our actions which originates as a thought in our Mind. And finally, Intellect is the capability to govern the Mind so the actions taken are ethical and in accordance with our values. The process of ‘birth’ ensures that we have Body & Mind as well as basic intellect (instinct) to survive in the world; but to exploit complete human potential and to achieve Peak Performance; one needs to enhance Intellect by transforming observation & learning into wisdom through contemplation & internalization. In simple words, what we learn, we need to internalize and act in accordance with the new knowledge.
Our challenge is that we never live in NOW with Body, Mind and Intellect at the same place at the same time. We keep regretting about the past (our Body is in present but Mind in the past), which only erodes our energy and weakens our potential with no results as we cannot change past. If we are not dwelling in the past; we are anxious about the future. Once again, we keep worrying about what have not happened and may never happen. If not in past and future; we stay excited about the present (worrying about how many things we have to do etc.). The result is, we never live our present joyfully. We are never in our NOW, enjoying what we have to the fullest. Similarly, our Intellect is also mostly absent in these conversations. If Intellect was governing as it is supposed to be, it should bring mind and body in-synch NOW. We discuss our office problems and boss with our wife; we discuss our home challenges and wife with our friends. As a result the problems are not resolved and we are not doing our best.
The need is to be aware of Body, Mind and Intellect; and Intellect’s role to govern the mind so we can enjoy whatever we are doing. A very simple idea; when you eat your next meal, enjoy the texture, the taste, the aroma of food and whatever else you can; without thinking of anything other than the food and the process of eating – bringing your Body, Mind and Intellect together. When I did that, I had a meditational experience. Let me know your experience.
We just need to be In NOW to be In Joy. And when you do anything while in Joy; you are likely to perform at your peak capacity.
Monday, October 3, 2011
How I fell in Love with Davangere !!!
What a wonderful love story– a person born and brought up in the lap of Himalayas falls in love with the “Heart of Karnataka”. The charm of Davangere, an oasis in the center of Karnataka (India), is more than the natural beauty; she has people with big loving hearts with kind humble souls. A place which was never on my travel map, now feels like second home with an extended family. Oct 1, 2011 weekend was my fourth visit to Davangere and every visit left me with more profound memories than the previous trip. This time, I had great opportunity to interact with the students and the faculty of Bapuji (BIET) family of institutes. Rotaract Club invited me as their “Brand Ambassador” to support their efforts of inspiring young professionals to perform at their peak potential. It is a great honor for me to be part of such a noble cause. The purpose was to share ideas on “Bridging the gap between Industry and Academia”. We discussed career planning as well as I shared my view on “Unleashing Success Potential”. The discussions were a good blend of technology, business and spirituality. I was impressed with the proactive student participation. The quality of interactions and the questions students asked further strengthened my belief that we have enormous very high quality talent in the smaller cities of India. It has become a personal passion now to share what I know and what I learn with the students of second tier cities and / or second tier colleges; where talent is not a limiting factor but right awareness at the right time is. Growing up in a small town of Himachal, I very well know the agony of feeling shackled because of lack of information and avenues in spite of having success potential and big dreams. My wish is to mentor youngsters who have dreams and who are willing to put sincere efforts to transform their dreams to reality. My life’s purpose will come true if I can inspire and mentor youngsters to unleash their success potential (USP) so they put their best efforts towards achieving what they believe they are capable of.
We also initiated a new thought “Operation Brain Gain” or OBG. Students accepted my challenge of working on “creating jobs instead of looking for jobs” by promoting a culture of entrepreneurship in Davangere. The end goal would be to stop the brain drain that is happening as students after professional degrees rush to find jobs in metros. Why not create options in Davangere itself. Our dream will come true when the brain drain from this educational city to metros will reverse and folks will come back to find jobs in Davangere. The enthusiasm that I have experienced in Davangere, I have no doubt that this dream will become reality in the next few years.
And in the end, let me share an experience that shows how ‘one person’ can make significant contribute to any cause. I was invited to the ‘Dandiya Raas’ organized by the Rotract Club in the night where a large crowd was having a great time. Suddenly, the DJ stopped the music to make an announcement about someone finding a phone. I also heard that announcement and just as a reaction to the announcement patted my jeans pockets. It didn’t take me much time to realize that I have also lost my phone. When I reached out to the DJ to check; I found my phone in his hand. Other than the price of the phone, it had priceless contact information stored on it. It was very easy for anyone to just feel lucky about finding an expensive phone. But this one gentleman’s righteous gesture has left me with a very pleasant memory of Davangere being a city of “Honest Loving and Caring people”. What a wonder one person’s honest gesture can do!
p.s.: I will do injustice if did not mention names of a few friends because of whom this love story became a possibility. My dear friend Arunkumar RT, who is a personification of human super willpower, and the person who introduced me to Davangere; Rtr Roshan Devaramani and Rtr Anil Raiker, who were two unknown names for me just two months ago; and now they are like my younger brothers. I admire their sincere and selfless efforts to help the community – seeing them is experiencing inspirational leadership in action. And all my friends of Davangere Rotary, Rotaract and InnerWheel family – Your love and affection is the reason that I feel I have an extended family now and may be some past relation with Davangere :)
A small video clip of BIET talk now airing on arunbTV
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